Nabil Haji is a long time resident of Cue and among many things he is the local "archeologist" and the keeper of the Museum. here he shows his rare find, an old prospectors' tool aptly named "widow maker" used for breaking up stones. The inhaled asbestos caused many deaths among diggers in the early days. His pamphlet you may find around Cue reads like below (and its quite underestimating him)
A Tourist Guide
"Rowland's Relics"
Welcomes you to Cue
Seeker of peace
Righter of wrongs
Bon Vivant
Bower Birds shown
Poetry read
Archeologist's guide
Anthropologists told
History of Cue explained
Bottles on display
Singer of songs
Vivid illusions created
Lessons in talking to trees
Photos shown
Fellow travellers we are
all just "passing through"
Be not inhospitable to strangers,
Lest they be angels in disguise
I will show you the town of Cue
and the surrounding bush
Nabil Haji Rowland
and wife Lucena Mata
Ph:(08) 9963 1081
Lot 492 Post Office Street
Cue, Western Australia 6640